Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I am so not on top of things!

I always get into a funk after the holidays are over. I'm usually out of it by mid January, but this year I can't seem to shake it. I have to get things turned around! I had a lot of big plans for this year and this week they have all been squashed. It will take me a while to get through this. I am a planner, and I don't like to be dissapointed. Hopefully things turn around soon!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pinterest is my drug of choice.

If you don't know what Pinterest is, go ahead and crawl out from under the rock you live beneath. Then go here: Pinterest and browse the thousands upon thousands of ideas! Pinterest is quite possibly the best thing that has happened to me since discovering Chick Fil A's Chick Fil A sauce. They both have changed my life for the better. You can pin anything. I have boards for recipes, crafts, homeschool ideas, holiday decor, DIY stuff etc. I find that I accomplish a lot more when using pinterest. I have so many things pinned to do this year! Here are a few things I plan to make this month:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I can NOT stop watching The Help! I am sooooo not a movie person, so I am a bit surprised with myself! It is such a great movie! I can't wait to get my little paws on the book. I am not a book person either, so that's weird. I really want there to be a sequel to this movie though! I need to know more! Like, does Mae Mobley outgrow that Buddha belly? Does Celia Foote ever have a healthy baby? What happens in New York with Skeeter's new job? These are things that I NEED to know! What movie are you into right now?